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The two-foot teenager: Jyoti, the world's smallest girl set to make it big on British TV

Her tiny form is disarming.
But Jyoti Amge's dreams are as big as those of her friends. At 15 she stands just 1feet 11½in tall
and weighs less than a stone, giving her one very big claim to fame
- as the smallest girl in the world.
Doctors believe Jyoti is a pituitary dwarf
but have never been able to pinpoint her condition.

Rush Hour In Japan
In Japan during the rush hour, it is better not to use any public transport at all (especially the subway). It's really full, i wonder how they come out from the train.

Though it may not be the most environment-friendly pc case out there, the log case is still bad-ass. A crazy modder hollowed a log, made some slots for the pc components and thus created one of the weirdest computers I’ve ever seen.
The Log Computer is fully functional, although it does present some danger in case something overheats. But then again, who gives a damn about safety when you have something as cool as that in your home. It may not be as polished as the Wall-e pc case, but it’s definitely just as interesting.
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