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1.Joby Mathew - World Champion Arm Wrestler
Meet Joby Mathew, he is the 33 year old athlete from Kerala, India who won the World Arm Wrestling title in Spain last year. Despite being several feet shorter than others at his gym, Mr Matthew is able to defeat opponents twice his size with ease at arm-wrestling.
Mr Matthew who is 3 foot 5 inch has severely under-developed legs, a condition caused by Proximal Fimoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD). But he has so much upper body strength that he is a world champion arm wrestler who can crush challengers with no disabilities.
Stunningly, the father-of-one has so far made it onto five world podiums during his career.
2.Man have two Penises

There is nothing in the world as deep and stunning as a natural surprise. Well, the victim is a 24-year old businessman who got admitted in a hospital in New Delhi, India, the reason being he wants to get his penis removed. Hmmm...he has got two penises. That sounds strange. Now, he wants to get rid of one and wishes to live a normal sexual life.
The most bizarre thing that comes to notice is that both the penises are fully developed. The Times of India cited that the problem called Diphallus (caused by the malfunctioning of the mesodermal bands in the embryo to mingle properly) happens among one in 5.5 million men. The operation seems quite a tough challenge.

3.The Roadkill Artist: Made Out of Dead Animals
Adam Morrigan, a British artist from Gloucestershire, Britain, creates works of art from roadkill and actually sells some of them
Adam is one of the most unusual artists on the planet. He makes a living creating and selling artworks made from the carcasses of dead animals he finds around his house. He often cooks and eats the roadkill he finds, but what he can’t eat, he turns into fashion accessories or pieces of dead art.
So far he has created over 30 roadkill art pieces, including bags made out of the body of a fox or a deer, calf-skin rugs, feather hats and even framed carcasses. It’s not something I’d buy for my art collection (if I had one), but apparently people are crazy about this roadkill art. Adam Morrigan’s pieces start at a few thousand pounds, but he’s sold a few with as much as 50,000 pounds.
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